4 January 2016

Tips for Time management

For any competitive exam the organisation behind it was testing the candidates through their examinations. Candidates have to qualify in the exam which they pose initially in order to select for the role to which they have applied. After qualifying in the written exam candidates will be taken through interview round which was a completely different scenario?
  •  In the written exam the organisation behind it will be asked various number of questions through different categories with little time. 
  • By doing so they can judge the candidates quality of time management, his ability to answer questions at peak time and so on. 
  • Time plays such a crucial role in the written exam and when it comes to competitive exams like TALATI, IBPS, SSC, RRB, SBI, Bank, PO, clerk, CWE and many it was no different from running with scissors.
  • Candidates before attempting these competitive examinations they have to know the time management tips through which they can easily come through these exams.
  • With the bank, IBPS exams for post of clerk, PO, SO and so on were rolling out every day candidates were involved in deep preparation. We are now here to add some tips in their preparation which makes them complete with their syllabus. Basically in the Time management for bank exams candidates have to know the sections and should identify the sections in which they are strong. If you identify then half of your work is done.

Choosing the sections :

  • Majority of bank exams have topics like Computer, General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning.Among these sections first identify your strong zone and go for it directly.
  • Attempt as many questions as possible in this section. In order to qualify in the written exam you have to clear all the questions.
  • So first attempt the favorite section and then move on to your second priority. So attempt questions in each section and try to score as much as possible.
  • You should prepare for the General Awareness section well before the exam.If you are good at English then you can give it second priority.
  • Computer knowledge section is also easy to attempt.You can choose any one first as per your priority and try to get more score in these three subjects as much as possible.
  • After attempting these three sections just go to quantitative Aptitude section. Questions from this section were easy and take little time to solve.You can easily attempt 90% of questions from this section if you are a speed mathematician.
  • Reasoning section should be attempted at last. It was the difficult section among the others which involves high risk of failure and consumes large time for every question. If there was no negative marking then you can attempt as many as possible.
Divide time

  • Make a note that do not divide time equally for all sections.Spend much time in the section in which you are strong.
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