30 April 2016

GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar and Deputy Section officer main examination basic info:


Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) published an important notification for GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar and Deputy Section officer main examination, 2016. 

  • Advt No.: 51/2014-15

  • Main Exam Date: 28/05/2016 & 29/05/2016

  • Exam Center: Ahmedabad

Important dates:
  • Start date for online main exam application: 27/04/2016 (01:00 PM)
  • Last date for online main exam application: 07/05/2016 (01:00 PM)
  • Last date for submission application in GPSC Board: 12/05/2016 (till 06:00 PM)

GPSC : kachhua.com
Important links:

Start preparation of competitive exams like GPSC, Bin Sachivalay clerk, TET, TAT, HTAT etc. with Kachhua....

What does kachhua provide?

Video lecture: Here we provide videos in which all important topics are included.By these videos you can learn everything at your home.There is no requirement to go to any coaching class.
Here we provide Online Competitive exam material,which you can read in your PC or mobile.
Test and solutionHere we provide daily online test. The solutions of these tests are also provided,by which you can test yourself that how much you learned and can improve your performance by more practice and preparation.

For best online preparation of GPSC, Bin Sachivalay Clerk, TAT-HTAT, Bank Exam, UPSC, SSC Click on the below link:

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