29 April 2016

Tips to be a bin sachivalay clerk

  • Time Management: first of all make the schedule of time management
  • Shorter study sessions work better than marathon sessions.
  • Minimize distractions 2-3 hours of studying in a quiet place without any disturbance is better than 10 years of studying with noise of TV blaring somewhere in the room
  • You can start with the most difficult or boring subject when you are fully alert and pick up an easier or most interesting one when you are feeling down.
  • Take 10-minute breaks between subjects to re-orient your brain and reward yourself for work well done. If you really feel like taking a break, take one. Do not waste time watching clock to take the break.
  • Do not study when you are sleep.
  •  General Awareness: To strengthen your part for General Awareness, you must read the English newspaper daily and also keep yourself  updates with the news and notifications.
  • You can prepare yourself for written exam and as well as computer test. You can not forget about the practical part because if you clear the written exam, then you have to also clear practical exam/ computer test.
  • Always be  part of group discussion those who are also prepared the exam.
  • Final Verdict: self-study should not be ignored in any case. They must follow a routine and keep a check on their performance and progress regularly. Then only, candidates will be able to pass   Exam easily in first attempt.
  • And always go with the best study material.
Binsachivalay clerk : kachhua.com
so ready for be bin sachivalay clerk.........

What does kachhua provide?
Video lectureHere we provide videos in which all important topics are included.By these videos you can learn everything at your home.There is no requirement to go to any coaching class.
Material : Here we provide Online Talati exam material,which you can read in your PC or mobile.
Test and solutionHere we provide daily online test. The solutions of these tests are also provided,by which you can test yourself that how much you learned and can improve your performance by more practice and preparation.

online preparation with kachhua click on the below link.......
Bin Sachivalay Clerk Course:

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