6 May 2016

How to crack GSSSB Bin Sachivalay clerk exam in only 10 steps


  • First of all make the schedule and strategy plan to crack the exam
  • start day with pre described schedule
  • Make a note that does not divide time equally for all sections. Spend much time in the section in which you are strong.
  • You can prepare yourself for written exam and as well as computer test. You can not forget about the practical part because if you clear the written exam, then you have to also clear practical exam/ computer test.
  • Focus on all parts and subject mentioned in written exam. Self study is very Important Part.
  • Go with  online courses its always helpful because u can learn from anywhere ,anytime.
  • Take seniors help. Candidates who qualified any government written exam, you can ask them about the exam and they will be share their experience about it. 
  • You should prepare for the General Awareness section well before the exam. If you are good at English then you can give it second priority.
  • Always be  part of group discsion those who are also prepared the exam
  • last but not the list regularly read the two news papers complsory
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                Test and solutionHere we provide daily online test. The solutions of these tests are also provided,by which you can test yourself that how much you learned and can improve your performance by more practice and preparation.

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